You are meticulous about preparation. You make all the lists and plan all the details, but sometimes things happen that are outside of your control. It’s disorienting and confusing. What are you supposed to do then? How do you recover and keep going?
The Business Case for Sabbaticals
You’re running on empty without much gas left in the tank. You can see your performance slipping and your creativity dwindling. But how can you take time off when there’s so much to do? Won’t you just regret it when you come back to hundreds of emails in your inbox?
Why Every Leader Needs a Sabbatical
As leaders, we tend to be energized and motivated by our work. That can make us resistant to taking time away. Yet the more we work, the more we get caught up in the nonstop whirlwind of activity that can leave us exhausted and ineffective. In this episode, we’ll answer your top three objections to […]
Encore Episode: How to Achieve Big Goals with Your Spouse
The 5 Most Common Questions We Get About Couples and Their Goals
When we pair historical examples with the findings of social science, it’s clear a good marriage is an optimal environment for personal achievement. In this episode, we’re going to explore how couples can work together to achieve their most important goals.
Encore Episode: The High Cost of Overwork
Most people try to get more done by working more hours. Despite working longer days, we get less done. As our level of investment rises, productivity plummets. Until finally, we experience burnout. In this episode, we’re going to talk about productivity, and we’ll expose the fallacy that you can accomplish more by simply working harder. […]
Encore Episode: The Fine Art of Celebration
How to Fuel Your Team with Affirmation
Celebration may cost a bit of time and money, but it is well worth it. If you invest the effort in celebrating with your team, that effort will be more than repaid in improved morale and increased productivity. In this episode, we’re going to explore the who, what, when, where, why, and how of celebrating—especially […]