As a leader, you’re eager to develop a vision for your business. You’ve got a copy of The Vision Driven Leader, and you’re ready to dig in. But how do you put this all together? Is it difficult to create a Vision Script? What can you expect by way of results?
How to Make Your Vision a Reality
As a leader, you have a clear vision for the future. But the busyness of life always pulls your attention back to business as usual. You make occasional bursts of effort toward the vision, but there’s no real progress. It’s frustrating to watch your dream for the future collecting cobwebs.
Why Vision Matters in Crisis
As a leader, you’ve thought a lot about where to take your business in the next year. But major disruptions—like the coronavirus crisis—can upend your vision. It’s a disorienting time, and it’s tempting to just hunker down and try to survive. Is it even possible to have a vision for the future right now?
4 Steps to Generate Clear Vision
As a leader, you know you need a vision for your business. And you want to generate that vision so you can communicate it to your team. There’s just one problem. You don’t know how!
4 Strategic Benefits of Having a Vision
As a leader, you know you’re responsible for the vision of your company. And you have one—sort of. It exists in the back of your head, but it’s really hard to get it down on paper. There never seems to be enough time to do it. And, when it comes right down to it, you’re […]
Encore Episode: 4 Steps to Communicating Vision
Every leader is motivated by a compelling vision for the future. There’s something you want to achieve. You know where you’re headed. The problem is that it’s hard to keep that vision real for your team. They’re busy and easily distracted. Before long, another quarter has slipped by and you haven’t made real progress on […]