Setting Goals for A Well-Rounded Future

It’s the time of year we look around and remember what really matters—and look ahead and decide where we want to go next. That means it’s time to talk about goals.

Most people set goals surrounding work and money. But we’re more than what we do or what we earn. We’re whole people, and we’re at our best when our growth is well-rounded. As you prepare to set goals in multiple life domains, Megan and Michal will offer tips for avoiding common mistakes, tools you can leverage, and an encouragement to dream bigger.

In this episode, you’ll discover—

  • A challenge to focus on your agency instead of what’s outside your control
  • The power of asking yourself a simple question: “What do I want?”
  • How to know where to focus your energy
  • A good rule of thumb to ensure you’re not doing too much
  • How you can give the gift of transformation this year

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